High-quality wallpaper can last at least 15 years when properly cared for. If you're looking to give your office a facelift, then there's no better choice than eco-friendly Bournemouth wallpaper.

However, it's important to follow eco friendly wallpaper care tipsso youroffice wallpaper lasts for a long time. Your wallpaper may also have manufacturer instructions that you should follow. These instructions take into consideration the wallpaper material, along with its adhesive backing, so be sure to follow them.

This article explains the best ways to care for and clean your eco friendly office wallpaper, so be sure to keep reading for information you won't want to miss.

Consider the Type of Wallpaper You Have

There are countless reasons why businesses install wallpaper. It adds a pop of colour and cleans easily. You can even use wallpaper to create stunning office wall murals from bespoke digitally printed images.

Wallpaper comes in a variety of patterns and can accommodate any style. If you're looking for giant wall murals in the UK, custom print shops can accommodate an array of images.

However, you need to consider the material of your eco-friendly office wallpaper. Every manufacturer has its own specific instructions for wallpaper care. Certain brands of wallpaper might even come with limited warranties, and failure to follow cleaning instructions might void these warranties.

No matter what type of wallpaper you have, there are universal cleaning practices to adhere to. Consider the following:

  • Don't use abrasive scrubbing agents on your wallpaper
  • Don't get your wallpaper wet
  • Never use harsh cleaning products -especially bleach- on wallpaper

Keep in mind that "wet" varies from "damp." You can safely clean wallpaper with a damp cloth, but your wallpaper should never be soaked with water or completely saturated. Be especially mindful of cleaning around the seams of your wallpaper, ensuring water doesn't penetrate behind it, compromising the adhesive backing or your drywall.

Can You Dust Your Wallpaper?

You might not know that it's safe to dust wallpaper. However, if you have wallpaper made from natural fibres, including bamboo or grass, you should frequently dust it.

The same applies to fabric wallpaper. When you dust wallpaper, you losen caked-on debris.

For this type of cleaning process, all you need is a soft microfibre cloth— skip the chemicals and stick to the basics.A good rule of thumb is to dust and wash your wallpaper monthly to remove harmful allergens and to keep your office sanitary and clean.

When dusting, start at the top of your walls and work towards the bottom. You can also hoover your wallpaper, using a soft-bristled attachment.

If you plan on washing your wallpaper, always dust it first. Remove cobwebs and other visible debris before running a damp cloth over your wallpaper. Don't forget about corners and hard-to-reach parts of your walls.

Use a Floor Brush

If you don't have a hoover readily available, you can still clean your eco friendly wallpaper. Simply grab a floor brush andcover it with a soft microfibre cloth. If you don't have a microfibre cloth, then any clean cloth will work.

Using your floor brush, swipe your eco friendly office wallpaper, working from right to left. You'll remove dust and dirt from your wallpaper while removing hard-to-reach cobwebs from the corners.

Washable Wallpaper

Some wallpaper materials are washable. Most commonly, this is vinyl wallpaper.

Grab a clean, damp cloth and gently remove any smudges or fingerprints. If you spot scuff marks, you can wipe them away as well.A soft sponge or microfibre cloth can instantly transform dirty wallpaper into a fresh wall mural.

However, plain water might not remove stubborn spots. If this is the case, grab a bucket and mix one litre of warm water with 60 millilitres of environmentally friendly dish soap.

Using a damp cloth or sponge, spot-clean your wallpaper. If the seam of your wallpaper follows the horizon, be sure to wipe in this direction. Always remove excess water immediately after cleaning your eco friendly wallpaper and thoroughly dry it.

If you have vinyl wallpaper, you can mix one litre of warm water with 60 millilitres of vinegar.Vinegar is non-toxic and does an excellent job of removing odours absorbed by your wallpaper, including cigarette smoke.

Chemicals are often too harsh for wallpaper, so stick to natural cleaning methods.

Removable Wallpaper (Peel and Stick)

If you have removable wallpaper, you can easily change the appearance of your office. These wallpapers are commonly made from vinyl and can be cleaned the same way as permanent wallpaper. However, you'll need to be mindful not to shift its position on your wall.

You should dust and spot clean removable wallpaper the same way you would permanent wallpaper, keeping in mind that it's more sensitive to water than other types of wallpaper. For this type of wallpaper, you might find that dusting it and the occasional spot cleaning is all it needs to look fresh and new.

Caring for Your Eco Friendly Wallpaper

Eco friendly wallpaper can last you at least 15 years, but only with the proper care and cleaning methods. Follow the wallpaper care tips and tricks outlined in this helpful guide, and you'll keep your eco friendly office wallpaper looking crisp and clean for years to come. If your wallpaper has any lingering odours, you can clean it with a vinegar and water solution, removing smudgesand smells.

Are you looking for bespoke digital wallpaper murals to add to your eco friendly office?  Contact GD Print today. We offer custom wallpaper, printed signs, and more.