Brilliant marketing ideas deserve to be presented beautifully. Direct mail can be highly effective and inexpensive. Postcards enable your to reach your most relevant prospects, reinforcing your brand and developing a steady flow of new customers. Easily design advertising and marketing material that will impress your audience.
Eco-Friendly Postcards - 100% Recycled Card | GD Print
• GD Print Green offers eco-friendly postcard printing on recycled paper stocks.
• The production of recycled paper uses less water and energy than virgin paper, reducing deforestation and protecting our planet.
• The manufacture of your cards is carbon neutral, thanks to GD Print Green's contribution to climate protection projects.
• A5 or A6 sizes are available, along with free delivery across the UK.
Postcards Double-Sided
Use B2B postcards to increase leads to your website, rekindle lapsed customer relations, or invite prospects to special events; a webinar, seminar, live demonstration, or trade-show.
Postcards Single-Sided
Reach more potential customers at a lower cost per unit than many other marketing methods. Postcards are proven to be one of the most effective methods of direct marketing available.