All companies should review their marketing and advertising strategies and activities on a regular basis – there will inevitably come a point where rebranding your business will become a serious consideration in order to ‘freshen-up’ your brand image and reinforce your place in the market in which you trade. Here are some common signs you should be aware of that may indicate that now is the time for rebranding your business: 


Sometimes a brand can become ‘outdated’ from its original launch – perhaps your existing brand logo was produced in a format and font that was popular at the time, but has now been superseded by ‘trendier’ formats? Customers may be more responsive to a more modern visual – people often judge a book by its cover, so it is important to remain ‘on trend’ as such with any visual corporate representation. Ask for regular feedback from your existing customers as to how they view your aesthetic corporate marketing materials and brand image. 

Target Audience Not Defined

If your target audience shifts, or customer preferences change, as will happen periodically, you may need to consider rebranding. Sometimes a brand can be too inclusive – whilst appealing to a larger demographic, it is easy to lose focus on the unique aspects of your specific brand that created your niche customer base in the first place. You must always stay abreast of changes in the market. 

Change of Company Ownership/Management

If your company is acquired by new owners, or merges with another existing business, then it is obvious that rebranding will be required. In this event you should concentrate on issues such as - will your audience/customer base remain the same, will your product/service range change or need updating and, of course, will the company name need to be changed? Any rebrand of the new business needs to make its target audience the main consideration.  

No Longer Unique

When your business was initially launched it may have been operating in a particularly niche market place or have unique products and/or services – but, over time, there will inevitably be competitors introduced to the market arena and it may be that your particular product is now one of many. If your customers find it difficult to discern between your business and other competitors then perhaps a rebrand is required. A corporate rebrand can help define and highlight the benefits of your product/service over any competitors.  

Change of Business Model

If you are introducing a brand new product or service to your company offerings that is likely to be a major feature for your business, then a rebranding exercise can help bring it to market and reset your brand image around the new product. 

Whatever the reason for rebranding your business, one of the major undertakings will be the production of new marketing and advertising materials highlighting the rebranded imagery and look. Marketing brochures, flyers, catalogues, posters, and signage will need to be produced bearing the new imagery and colours – you will also need business card printing as well as all other essential business stationery showing the new brand imagery and aesthetic. 

If you are looking for business printing in Bournemouth or the surrounding area, then speak to GD Print – they are an established print company offering all aspects of business printing for both your marketing and stationery requirements. GD Print can help with print design, layout, materials and offer advice from their experienced and knowledgeable staff on any aspect of business printing – they are the best option for printers in Bournemouth and district.